
Along with my architecture, I have experienced painting in all materials, as well as printmaking, photography and drawing.

Abstract mixed media: My fundamental interest in tectonics, geology, water, maps and geography was started by my father's interests. Living on Cape Cod, where the earth's geology over eons is exposed on a daily basis from the glaciers which formed it, is the environment in which I live. The land erodes as the moons and tides control it. One is placed in the natural world as a small insignificant part of the whole. The variety of stones on the beach, which have traveled miles from their origins, are fascinating. Cartography, as seen from the air is a pattern of man's journeys, a Mappa Mundi, from the latin for the map of the world on a napkin or cloth. A drawing on a plane surface which represents a larger context. Along the way, my interest in photography has come to the forefront in my art. I have used my photographs of nature, patterns and details in my large mixed media work. They are collages with torn papers of photographs and decorative papers and layers of transparent acrylics which are added or subtracted just as the tides go in and out.

Impressionism: I paint impressionist still life and landscapes, and make small portraits, mostly of children.

Cards: I chose a small 5x7" paper to create a series of decoupage/collage cards. The materials are my photographs from many travels, as well as decorative papers. These are small pieces of art, whose contents can contain many different subjects and locations.